Curetalks - Page 10 of 47 - Discussions for Solutions

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Preventing Relapse in Multiple Myeloma


Recent introduction of new therapies has significantly improved outcomes for patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma. However, cures remain rare in myeloma and most people may eventually relapse. If we can better understand how and why myeloma grows back, there is…

May 31, 2016, 05:00 pm 0 Listen

The Second Brain: Gut Health and You with Dr. Gerard Mullin


It’s been called “the second brain,” but our stomachs get nowhere near the respect they deserve. Only now are we beginning to realize the vast implications of a healthy gut. The latest research shows that the composition of bacteria in…

Jul 27, 2015, 06:00 pm 1 Listen

Modern Imaging Techniques in the Diagnosis and Management of Prostate Cancer


Multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) is being considered as a game-changer in prostate cancer treatment and management. Our prostate cancer panel of Mike Scott, Tony Crispino, Allen Edel and Joel Nowak is talking to Dr. Antonio Carlos Westphalen about the current roles…

Jul 27, 2017, 08:00 pm 0 Listen

Nonsecretory Multiple Myeloma: New Options in Assessment and Treatment


Hallmark of most multiple myeloma cases is the persistent production of some form of immunoglobulins, a phenomenon that brings the disease to attention. However, there is a subset of multiple myeloma patients who do not secrete immunoglobulin or its component…

Mar 27, 2017, 05:00 pm 1 Listen

More can Cure Myeloma Treatment with Dr. Gareth Morgan


UAMS is the only institute in the world that claims to be Curing Myeloma since 1989. Tune in to learn the nuances of how aggressive treatment therapy for myeloma has yielded positive results from the new Director himself. At a…

Nov 18, 2014, 05:00 pm 0 Listen