Curetalks - Page 12 of 47 - Discussions for Solutions

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Understanding ASCENT Clinical Trial for High Risk Smoldering Myeloma Patients


This is the first of a 3 part series of talk on high risk smoldering myeloma and its treatments. Smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) is an asymptomatic clonal plasma cell disorder. There have been major advances in the diagnosis, prognosis, and…

Jul 26, 2016, 05:00 pm 0 Listen

Gun Violence and its Impact on Healthcare

While the pandemic took a disproportionate toll on American life last year, there was another devastating, enduring public health crisis that only got worse, gun violence. In the United States, there are over 100 gun deaths each day and about…

May 25, 2021, 12:00 pm 4 Listen

Good Calories, Bad Calories, and the Obesity Epidemic: What’s the Connection?


Eat more and pile on weight. Eat less and loose weight. Or is it that simple? HOW and WHAT should we eat to stay fit and stay away from obesity? We are talking to investigative science & health Journalist and…

Nov 15, 2018, 05:00 pm 2 Listen

ASCO 2019 Highlights: Advances in Multiple Myeloma


ASCO 2019 conluded on 4th June 2019 and we are excited about Multiple Myeloma updates from the largest gathering of oncologists, researchers and health professionals. The myeloma panel is talking to Dr. Joseph Mikhael, Professor, Applied Cancer Research and Drug…

Jun 05, 2019, 04:00 pm 2 Listen

Understanding iSTOPMM: Iceland Screens, Treats, or Prevents Multiple Myeloma with Dr. Sigurour Yngvi Kristinsson


iStopMM initiative may be one of most important events in modern day myeloma care. As part of the iStopMM study, 140,000 Icelanders over the age of 40 will have their blood samples tested for the precursor to multiple myeloma, or…

Sep 14, 2016, 11:00 am 1 Listen