Curetalks - Page 12 of 47 - Discussions for Solutions

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Demystifying Palliative Care (Supportive Care)


Palliative care is often confused with hospice. Very few people are aware that palliative care deals with the quality of life of patients who have a life threatening disease. This would include psychological, social problems in addition to preventing or…

Oct 17, 2016, 06:00 pm 1 Listen

Pats Myeloma Beach Party Invite and Interview w/ Dr. Noopur Raje


Its time for Pats Myeloma Beach Party! Hundreds of myeloma patients and caregivers will join Pat Killingsworth this year on Fernandina Beach, Friday afternoon and evening, March 20th, all day on Saturday, March 21st and Sunday for a farewell program…

Mar 04, 2015, 05:00 pm 1 Listen

Recurrent Miscarriages – Causes and Treatments


Almost half of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage, most of them occurring within few weeks of conception. While there are a number of known risk factors such as maternal age, history of miscarriage, and infertility, there are others like…

Feb 24, 2016, 06:00 pm 1 Listen

Medicine for the Mind


Living in the 21st century means less time, more stress; less standing more sitting; less walking more driving; less slow food, more fast food and less face time more Facebook. All this adds up to a very poor state of…

Jan 27, 2015, 05:00 pm 1 Listen

Psychosocial and Emotional Aspects of Infertility and Infant Loss (Part II)


Psychotherapist Helen Adrienne is back on CureTalks to discuss how mind-body therapies can help heal and overcome the emotional trauma usually associated with infertility. In the previous episode, the panel discussed how tested mind-body techniques can help with the guilt and…

Nov 06, 2015, 06:00 pm 0 Listen