Curetalks - Page 18 of 47 - Discussions for Solutions

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Hepatitis C Infected Organ Transplant Offers Hope

Of the nearly 100,000 people waiting for a kidney transplant in the U.S., many will never get one. Meanwhile, hundreds of Hepatitis C infected organs are discarded because of the infection. The doctors at University of Pennsylvania connected these events…

Nov 13, 2018, 02:00 pm 3 Listen

Exercising with Cancer, Why and How It Helps


What do I need to know about resuming exercise after surgery? Can I exercise during chemotherapy? and other burning questions get answered here by our medical experts Dr. Donald Abrams and Dr. June Chan of UCSF, award winning fitness industry…

Oct 29, 2014, 06:00 pm 0 Listen

Diet and Myeloma


What not to do if you are a myeloma patient, what not to eat, what supplements not to use? Ever since Dr. Durie, the head of the IMF, came out and conceded or made a pronouncement that myeloma and diet…

Oct 14, 2014, 06:00 pm 0 Listen

Myeloma Survivor Paula Van Riper Shares Her Story On-Air


In this myeloma support group meeting, Paula Van Riper - a 14 year myeloma survivor and Assistant Dean at Rutgers University in New Jersey shares her struggle with myeloma.

Sep 30, 2013, 06:00 pm 0 Listen

Yoga for people suffering from Trauma with David Emerson from JRI


David Emerson from Justice Resource Institute talks about yoga for people suffering from trauma with yoga teachers and experts, Dashama, Micheline Toussaint, and Marcela Clavijo.

Jun 13, 2013, 06:00 pm 0 Listen