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High Risk Multiple Myeloma Prognosis with Dr. Sagar Lonial
We are talking about high-risk multiple myeloma and its prognosis with Dr. Sagar Lonial this August. Make sure to REGISTER in advance to ask Dr. Lonial your myeloma question. mye
Understanding Triple Negative/ Inflammatory Breast Cancer
We are talking about Triple Negative / Inflammatory Breast Cancer with Onco-surgeon Dr. Jovita Oruwari of Mercy Clinic St. Louis Cancer and Breast Institute - David C. Pratt Cancer Center. As she appreciates the emotional issues that accompany the disease,…
Effective Mind-Body Strategies to Reduce the Stress of Infertility and Improve Mental Health
Research has shown that our mental state affects the outcomes of treatment in all disease conditions, including infertility, where it may decrease the chances of conception. Couples dealing with infertility go through immense stress, often times severe depression, as the…
Myeloma Survivors Jim & Kathleen Bond Share their Myeloma Story
On this On-Air Myeloma Support Group Meet, myeloma survivors Jim Bond & Kathleen Bond share their myeloma story and give out tips on surviving everyday challenges myeloma brings along.
Dr. Mark A. Rubin of Weill Cornell Talks On Prostate Cancer
Dr. Mark A. Rubin of Weill Cornell Medical College talks to co-host Dan Zenka VP (Communications), Prostate Cancer Foundation and other panelists about Prostate Cancer.