Curetalks - Page 29 of 47 - Discussions for Solutions

Past CureTalks

Understanding Multiple Myeloma: Types of Diagnostic Tests and Frequency


Myeloma presents itself differently in each patient. In order to understand your Myeloma and monitor it, you need to know which are the tests available and how often you have to get tested. No single test or study is adequate…

Oct 01, 2015, 07:00 pm 0 Listen

Patient Advocates: Their Role and Benefits in Clinical Trial Groups


September is Prostate Cancer Awareness month and we are talking to patient advocates to get a better insight into their roles in major clinical groups. Mike Scott is talking to Tony Crispino, patient advocate to the Genitourinary Cancer Section of…

Sep 14, 2015, 05:00 pm 1 Listen

MSKCC Expert Dr. Ola Landgren on Can High Risk Disease Progress Cure Myeloma ?


Is high risk disease progress, the key to a cure for all myeloma patients? And what can researchers do to get new therapies to work for more than 30% of relapsed patients? Multiple myeloma has many different treatment options and…

Aug 24, 2015, 05:00 pm 1 Listen

What to Eat? with Dr. Colin Campbell : Nutrition, Cancer, and The China Study


We are what we eat. But what do we eat? Should we be eating meat? Or is a plant based diet a healthier way of eating? To provide some clarity on the subject we have Dr. Colin Campbell, the author…

Aug 12, 2015, 07:00 pm 1 Listen

The Second Brain: Gut Health and You with Dr. Gerard Mullin


It’s been called “the second brain,” but our stomachs get nowhere near the respect they deserve. Only now are we beginning to realize the vast implications of a healthy gut. The latest research shows that the composition of bacteria in…

Jul 27, 2015, 06:00 pm 1 Listen