Curetalks - Page 30 of 47 - Discussions for Solutions

Past CureTalks

What to Eat? with Dr. Colin Campbell : Nutrition, Cancer, and The China Study


We are what we eat. But what do we eat? Should we be eating meat? Or is a plant based diet a healthier way of eating? To provide some clarity on the subject we have Dr. Colin Campbell, the author…

Aug 12, 2015, 07:00 pm 1 Listen

The Second Brain: Gut Health and You with Dr. Gerard Mullin


It’s been called “the second brain,” but our stomachs get nowhere near the respect they deserve. Only now are we beginning to realize the vast implications of a healthy gut. The latest research shows that the composition of bacteria in…

Jul 27, 2015, 06:00 pm 1 Listen

Changes and Challenges in Life after Prostate Cancer with Dr. Anne Katz


For men, the consequences of prostate cancer are often less to do with life and death and more to do with an altered way of looking at certain aspects of their lives and coming to terms with that. There are…

Jun 22, 2015, 06:00 pm 2 Listen

Psychosocial and Emotional Aspects of Infertility w/ Helen Adrienne and Amy Demma


Childlessness due to infertility can be devastating and is on the rise. More and more couples are finding it hard to become pregnant and carry a pregnancy to term. The emotional trauma and hopelessness that come with infertility and recurrent…

Jun 18, 2015, 06:00 pm 1 Listen

Making Good Food Choices in an Urban Environment w/ Samantha Heller & Dr. Sean Lucan


The modern day city is designed for unhealthy eating. The very systems put in place 'to protect us' are skewed toward profitability not nutrition, and the resulting are skyrocketing levels of obesity and chronic disease. This toxic food environment is…

May 18, 2015, 06:00 am 0 Listen