Curetalks - Page 30 of 47 - Discussions for Solutions

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HIFU & Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer


"Decades after lumpectomy became a standard option for women with breast cancer, men are seeking a similarly targeted approach to prostate cancer, one that gets rid of the tumor while preserving the organ. Now, an array of technologies is enabling…

Oct 15, 2014, 09:00 am 0 Listen

Goals and challenges of developing a patient focused myeloma center of excellence

The multiple myeloma treatment field has undergone several changes over the past 10-20 years. The average overall survival has changed from 1-3 years to 10-20 years. Yet, there is no established curative therapy for multiple myeloma. However, advanced monitoring with…

Sep 08, 2021, 03:15 pm 1 Listen

Myeloma Control vs. Cure with Dr. Vincent Rajkumar


Listen to one of the most brilliant myeloma specialists in the United States Dr. Vincent Rajkumar talk about Control versus Cure for Myeloma. Two different treatment philosophies – cure or control is an ongoing debate in patient care. How long…

Oct 24, 2014, 05:00 pm 0 Listen

Patient Advocates: Their Role and Benefits in Clinical Trial Groups


September is Prostate Cancer Awareness month and we are talking to patient advocates to get a better insight into their roles in major clinical groups. Mike Scott is talking to Tony Crispino, patient advocate to the Genitourinary Cancer Section of…

Sep 14, 2015, 05:00 pm 1 Listen

Myeloma Survivors Jim & Kathleen Bond Share their Myeloma Story


On this On-Air Myeloma Support Group Meet, myeloma survivors Jim Bond & Kathleen Bond share their myeloma story and give out tips on surviving everyday challenges myeloma brings along.

Apr 21, 2014, 06:00 pm 0 Listen