Past CureTalks
What To Eat? with Dr. Colin Campbell (China Study) and Dr. Kaayla Daniel (The Weston A Price Foundation)
We are what we eat. But what do we eat? Should we be eating meat? Or is a plant-based diet a healthier way of eating? Searching for answers on the World Wide Web inevitably leads to more questions, making us…
Early Treatment of Myeloma with Dr. Irene Ghobrial
Stopping myeloma before it even gets started! Lot of work is being done in this preventative approach and Dr. Irene Ghobrial of Dana Farber Cancer Institute will be talking to us about the new strategies to help MGUS and smoldering…
Medicine for the Mind
Living in the 21st century means less time, more stress; less standing more sitting; less walking more driving; less slow food, more fast food and less face time more Facebook. All this adds up to a very poor state of…
Diagnosing Aggressive Forms of Prostate Cancer With New Imaging Tests and Biomarkers
On this show we have the Associate Director, Department of Urology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute Dr. James Mohler discussing the recent NCCN guidelines for prostate cancer treatment and the latest research available to us that can help diagnose high risk…
European Perspective on Myeloma Treatment Strategies with Dr. Antonio Palumbo
One of the worlds best Myeloma doctors, Dr. Antonio Palumbo will be be with us on this show. Dr. Palumbo will be explaining his myeloma treatment approach Fit/Unfit/ Frail classification and use of auto transplants. Unlike the US, in Europe,…