Curetalks - Page 36 of 47 - Discussions for Solutions

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Novel Technologies to Check Male Fertility Status with Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt


Male factor infertility accounts for 50% of total cases of troubled conception. Unfortunatley male infertility is not as promptly reported as female infertility which is tracked by Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology database. One key reason for under-reporting of male…

Jul 14, 2017, 01:00 pm 0 Listen

Managing impact of stress while living with myeloma with MLB Coach Don Baylor


On this show we host Myeloma Survivor and Baseball Coach Don Baylor (Arizona Diamondbacks) and eminent myeloma specialist Dr. James R. Berenson from IMBCR to discuss: Impact of stress and managing stress while living with myeloma.

Jun 20, 2013, 06:00 pm 0 Listen

Beyond CAR-T: Re-engineering Cells into Life-saving Therapies

Our cells have the innate ability to protect us. The idea of using cells as medicine emerged with bone marrow transplants, and then CAR-T therapy for blood cancers. Now, scientists are beginning to engineer much more complex living therapeutics by…

Dec 10, 2022, 11:00 am 0 Listen

Role of Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant in Myeloma Treatment with Dr. Krishna Komanduri


The role of allogeneic stem-cell transplantation is evolving in the paradigm of myeloma treatment. Despite its therapeutic potential of a myeloma cure, the use of donor stem cell transplantation is highly debated in the medical field due to the safety…

Oct 29, 2015, 05:00 pm 1 Listen

Discussing Multiple Myeloma with Dr. Lalit Kumar from AIIMS, INDIA


Dr. Lalit Kumar, MD, DM, a Fulbright scholar, Professor and head of Medical Oncology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) , New Delhi (India) educates our audience about multiple myeloma.

Dec 04, 2013, 10:43 am 1 Listen