Curetalks - Page 7 of 47 - Discussions for Solutions

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Early Treatment of Myeloma with Dr. Irene Ghobrial


Stopping myeloma before it even gets started! Lot of work is being done in this preventative approach and Dr. Irene Ghobrial of Dana Farber Cancer Institute will be talking to us about the new strategies to help MGUS and smoldering…

Feb 12, 2015, 06:00 pm 2 Listen

CAR Therapy for Myeloma Treatment with Dr. Craig Hofmeister


CS1-CAR is a new and radically different approach in cancer treatment that harnesses the power of the patients immune system to rid itself of cancer. Initial clinical trials of a similar therapy used in treating Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia showed extraordinary…

Apr 30, 2015, 06:00 am 2 Listen

Changes and Challenges in Life after Prostate Cancer with Dr. Anne Katz


For men, the consequences of prostate cancer are often less to do with life and death and more to do with an altered way of looking at certain aspects of their lives and coming to terms with that. There are…

Jun 22, 2015, 06:00 pm 2 Listen

HIFU for Prostate Cancer Finally Gets the FDA Nod. What to expect.

After more than 10 years of clinical trials, the Food and Drug Administration on October 9 approved the first high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) device for ablation of prostate tissue. HIFU has already been approved for use in prostate tissue outside…

Nov 17, 2015, 05:00 pm 2 Listen

Dr. Carl June’s CAR-T Cell Journey and the Cancer Treatment Revolution


FDA approval of the breakthrough CAR-T cell therapy for cancer brings the first approved gene therapy treatment to the United States. It reprograms the body's own immune system to recognize and kill cancer cells. The therapy initially called CAR-T cell…

Nov 15, 2017, 01:00 am 2 Listen