Danae Ashley | CureTalks
The Rev. Danae M. Ashley, MDiv, MA, LMFTA is an Episcopal priest and marriage and family therapist in the Seattle area. She uses art, music, drama, poetry, and movement in counseling, spiritual direction, and creation of ritual, especially for pregnancy and infant loss. Danae is also one of the contributors of the book Still a Mother: Journeys through Perinatal Bereavement; developed and produced the verbatim play “Naming the Un-Named: Stories of Fertility Struggle” with playwright Amanda Aikman; and has written for Working Preacher: Craft of Preaching on preaching for those with fertility struggles. She was recently featured on Lacy Clark Ellman’s A Sacred Journey Pilgrim Podcast 10: (In)Fertility Journeys. Her favorite past times include hiking with her husband and beloved dog, reading, traveling, visiting with family and friends, dancing with wild abandon to Celtic music, and serious karaoke.
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