Heidi Floyd | CureTalks
Heidi Floyd is a sought-after influencer with over 10 years of experience in healthcare advocacy and breast cancer non-profit management. Her diverse skill set includes social media marketing, corporate philanthropy, relationship management, partnership cultivation, and program development. Heidi is a powerful communicator, international public speaker and published author. She is a passionate advocate who is effective in discussing all aspects of oncology. As a thought-leader in all things breast cancer, she highlights treatment options, quality of life and community concerns Ms. Floyd has served as the “voice of the patient” for myriad organizations including Ford, Google, the US Department of Defense, the American Cancer Society and Susan G Komen. Her experience has helped to establish and strengthen relationships with patient advocacy organizations that support patients and their families, and educate corporations on compassionate outreach to the worldwide cancer community. Her written work has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, CNN and The NY Times.
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