Morgan Dix | CureTalks
For the last 19 years, Morgan Dix has been an intensive student of meditation and yoga. He is an entrepreneur who marries his passion for spiritual practice and writing to help educate others about the benefits of these ancient practices. Morgan lived and worked at the EnlightenNext residential ashram in Western Massachusetts from 1999-2013, studying with spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen. During his 14 years in the ashram, he maintained a practice schedule that included meditating a minimum of 2 hours a day, practicing Iyengar Yoga 2 hours a day, while also performing regular chanting, mantra, and prostration practices. Morgan is also Co-Founder of the media platform About Meditation (http://www.aboutmeditation.com). To date the site has attracted nearly 130,000 fans and provides beginning meditators with tools (articles & guided meditations) for understanding how to meditate.
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